Season 1

Episode 06: Momentum + Doubt

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about their insecurities, self-sabotaging beliefs, and internal battles with the slippery slope of vanity metrics, growth, “6-figures,” perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and the “cool kids” club.

“Growth, in its most simplistic form, means something is changing, developing, and becoming something new. But we so often tell ourselves that what we’ve experienced in the past will be true for us again in the future. Which is the opposite of what growth means. Growth means it’s going to be different in the future.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • The cycle of self-doubt and vanity metrics
  • Upper-level “secrets” and the lies we’re all told
  • Why we self-sabotage (without even realizing it)
  • Limiting beliefs and how we can replace them
  • The myth of overnight success
  • “Imposter Syndrome” and fraudy feelings
  • Becoming a contributor instead of a “guru”
  • Coming up with your “million-dollar idea”
  • How to create + brand something truly unique
  • Why you don’t need a fancy website
  • Sales funnels and how to uncomplicate them
  • How to tame your inner perfectionist
  • Vanity metrics vs. measuring true growth
  • Which numbers matter (and which ones don’t)
  • Creating clear, specific, and achievable goals
  • How to stop wasting time + money
  • Becoming the CEO vs. a freelancer
  • The “all or nothing” mentality that’s hurting you
  • How you’re stealing from your own business

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for business advice and support after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.


There are two ways you can work with Scott + Elise:

  1. Their group mentorship program, My Own Irresistible Brand, is for creative entrepreneurs who are ready to attract + convert more (so they can reach $100k/year).

    Click here to join the waitlist

  2. Their 90-day experience, Beyond Irresistible, is for coaches, service-providers, and course creators who are ready for more strategy, systems, and sales (so they can break-through the $100-350k glass ceiling).

    Click here to email us for more details


Podcasts, Videos, + Articles:

Episode 05: Minimalism + Distractions

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about their journey to redefine the “American Dream” by downsizing their home, simplifying their business, eliminating their to-do list, and prioritizing their lives, time, health, and freedom.

“Our identity gets so wrapped up with our physical belongings here on earth, when in reality our worth—our self-worth—has nothing to do with what we own. And untangling that and separating ourselves, our identities, and our worth from what we own and how much money we make is a journey we all have to go on.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • How we became “accidental minimalists”
  • Downsizing your space, city, and cost of living
  • Where to start + how to declutter your “zones of chaos”
  • Why we emotionally self-sabotage and hold on to stuff
  • Creating monthly decluttering + de-owning rituals
  • How to make “real life” feel more like vacation
  • Protecting your time, energy, and resources
  • Ditching your to-do list + eliminating distractions
  • Overcoming the guilt + shame of outsourcing
  • Finding a house cleaner and personal assistant
  • How to build your own “minimalist business”
  • Becoming unbusy and simplifying your schedule
  • Embracing your “power hours” and doing deep work
  • Peak performance and prioritizing breaks
  • The comparison trap and how to avoid it

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for additional advice and support after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.


Episode 04: Mistakes + Failure

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about the unglamorous side of entrepreneurship, including the painful mistakes, costly failures, messy growing pains, big pivots, and battles with burnout, balance, identity, and leadership fatigue.

“If you’re looking for a sign to remind you why you’re called to create, lead, and make something bigger than yourself … then this is it. This is your sign telling you that you don’t need a sign. Because by showing up day after day, despite how not ready you feel, you’re already doing everything you need to do to achieve everything you were meant to achieve. And the only sign you really need is the glass ceiling above you, which was always yours to break.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • The mask of entrepreneurship
  • Starting a business in the midst of chaos
  • Using your business as an escape
  • Loneliness, isolation, and social media addiction
  • Untangling your identity from your business
  • Finding your most profitable customer
  • How to avoid becoming the “linchpin” in your business
  • When to quit vs. when to pivot
  • Disconnecting from work and always being “on”
  • Decision fatigue and burnout
  • Overcoming bad advice and learning to trust yourself
  • Personal ego vs. business ROI
  • Avoiding the wrong coaches, opportunities, and team members
  • Emotional eating and battling self-care
  • Reclaiming your mental, emotional, and physical health
  • Building a real success team
  • Pursuing big dreams and stepping into true leadership

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for business advice and support after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.



Podcasts, Videos, + Articles:

Episode 03: Money + Debt

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about their history with money and the complexities of building wealth, overcoming shame, paying off debt, managing expenses, and increasing your earning potential.

“Our goal isn’t just to spend as little as possible or to make as much as we can. Our goal in all of this is about choices. That’s what so many of us are after when we talk about quitting our day jobs, starting a business, or living with less. We just want the ability to choose.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Your childhood money story and introduction to wealth
  • Abundance vs. scarcity mentalities
  • Increasing your earning potential
  • How to ask for more + charge more
  • Profit-generating tasks (and how to focus on them)
  • Breaking the cycle of feast or famine
  • Renting vs. buying
  • The “invisible scripts” we’re all fighting against
  • Hidden money and how to uncover it
  • What business owners typically overspend on
  • Managing your expenses in life/business
  • Accounting for taxes, vacations, and big expenditures
  • Breaking the debt cycle
  • 3 different approaches to paying off debt
  • Financial goals and creating your own step-by-step plan

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for financial advice and individual support after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.


Episode 02: Marriage + Working Together

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about their marriage and working relationship, plus their struggles surrounding sex, children, family, boundaries, conflict, generational patterns, and role models.

“Growing as an individual and growing as co-partners through life always comes back to breaking old patterns and creating new ones. Which I kinda sort of love. I love the fact that our marriage is constantly shedding old layers and become new again. It’s like this never-ending shedding process.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Generational patterns and societal pressure
  • Toxic masculinity and misguided beliefs surrounding manhood
  • What to do if you don’t have healthy role models
  • Family mapping + (re)defining your roles
  • The danger of busyness and owning a business together
  • Universal truths vs. personal truths
  • Working through conflict and fighting fair
  • Family boundaries and “code switching”
  • Communicating through different needs + energy levels
  • Deciding whether or not to have kids
  • Keeping our relationship intimate + sacred
  • Self-care vs. selfishness within a marriage
  • Our schedules and roles within the business
  • Goal-setting as a couple
  • Boundaries and healthy habits within life + business

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for additional support and couples counseling after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.




Podcasts, Videos, + Articles:

Episode 01: Mental Health + Trauma

In this episode, Elise & Scott Grice open up about their battles with mental health and their personal experiences with trauma counseling after years of struggling with codependency, addiction, depression, anxiety, grief, and anger.

“So many people pursue busyness because they’re worried that if they create space in their lives, then the pain from their past will creep in. It’s like they’re running away from the pain because they’re afraid that if they slow down at all, it’s going to catch up and overtake them.”

— @heysweetpea

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Mental health within the entrepreneurial world
  • What trauma really is
  • Busyness and running away from your past/pain
  • Social media and the endless loop of affirming trauma
  • Our early acceptance of grief and pain
  • The danger of compartmentalizing life and business
  • How we found a therapist
  • Experiential therapy versus “talk-therapy”
  • Neural pathways and untangling facts from feelings
  • How we cope
  • The spectrum of codependency and addiction
  • Overachieving and codependency
  • Discomfort and addiction
  • Healthy rituals and boundaries
  • Giving from a place of overflow
  • Creating sustainability for ourselves, our marriage, and our business
  • What ‘self-care’ really is and how to practice it

Additional resources:

If you’re looking for additional support and individual therapy after listening to this episode, we’ve gathered the following resources for you. As always, please research, read, and listen at your own discretion.


Note: If you’re looking for a trauma-focused therapist, here are a few search terms and specialties to consider:

EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy)
ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy)
SE (Somatic Experiencing)
LI (Lifespan integration)


Podcasts, Videos, & Articles:

Other tools and resources:

Season 1 Trailer

Join Elise & Scott Grice as they embrace the messy intersection of life and business, sharing candid stories surrounding failure, mental health, minimalism, marriage, and debt. You can expect honest conversations, courageous topics, and an undeniable theme of hope, humanity, and healing. Each episode is free of judgement and full of grace, all in an effort to create community and a safe space for those who are ready to grow and change throughout every new season of entrepreneurship.

“Behind closed doors, entrepreneurs like you and like us, are craving something more, something deeper, and something undeniably real that gives us permission to say, ‘Yes, I’ve been there,’ or, ‘Yes, I’m still there, too.’”

– @heysweetpea